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Mobile Websites vs. Mobile Applications

Mobile Websites vs. Mobile Applications
Mobile applications are the new but cool kid on the block. Often equipped with the nest and latest graphic designs and decked in the hottest new functionality, mobile applications are very promising prospects. Mobile websites on the other hand offer more device compatibility, easier access and lower development costs. It is the nerdier counterpart but provides different possibilities.

When choosing a good marketing campaign, your choice will naturally depend on your goals, products, target customers and more. Instead of focusing on the campaign, it would be a better idea to look at your goals and the customers. It is very important to prioritize. You don’t need to choose between the two, you can use both.
  1. Who are your customers: Different customers like different things. People’s preferences keep changing with the latest developments. When choosing your mobile marketing strategy, consider how your target audience will be able to engage with your brand.

  2. Make them browse first and download later: People always browse first and then download applications later. By only focusing on application, you’ll be missing out on the opportunity to connect with your potential customers. Applications are great when it comes to expanding your customer base and loyalty.

  3. How will your website look on a mobile phone? If you haven’t designed your site for a mobile phone, then your customers are going to have to scroll a lot to get what they want. This is going to be unappealing and frustrating to them. Your site will need a makeover. Make sure your website takes on all the characteristics of applications, and offer the same functionality and design elements.

  4. Optimize your mobile site for phone screens and capabilities.
