Many people have asked me what the best web browser was to use, and although this may seem like a simple and straightforward question, it is indeed very difficult to answer this by simply pointing at a specific web browser. After lots of research, we have compared a number of web browsers for various platforms and have based our judgment on this. So, which is the best web browser available today?
Most of us tend to use Windows more than any other Operating System. And so I will discuss the browsers that run on this Operating System. Most of the popular web browsers that run on Windows are: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. Internet Explorer is probably the most used browser. It is wise to have other browsers installed on your computer as well to check for cross-browser compatibility.
After using Internet Explorer for many years, I shifted over to Firefox. Firefox is great browser and has some really killer add-ons, making it very useful to web developers. However, nothing really beats Internet Explorer for browsing purposes.
Internet Explorer is probably one of the most user-friendly and convenient programs. As long as you have a good anti-virus program running, you will have no security or privacy complaints. However, currently I am using Google Chrome and I absolutely love it! It is now my default browser and is very impressive with its speed and security.
Here are a few examples of great web browsers:
Internet Explorer 7: It works well, starts fast but has a few security issues. Version 8 seems to be better.
Firefox 3: Has great add-ons but is slow to start. It works fine after that.
Google Chrome: Is one of the best browsers with great security.
Most of us tend to use Windows more than any other Operating System. And so I will discuss the browsers that run on this Operating System. Most of the popular web browsers that run on Windows are: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. Internet Explorer is probably the most used browser. It is wise to have other browsers installed on your computer as well to check for cross-browser compatibility.
After using Internet Explorer for many years, I shifted over to Firefox. Firefox is great browser and has some really killer add-ons, making it very useful to web developers. However, nothing really beats Internet Explorer for browsing purposes.
Internet Explorer is probably one of the most user-friendly and convenient programs. As long as you have a good anti-virus program running, you will have no security or privacy complaints. However, currently I am using Google Chrome and I absolutely love it! It is now my default browser and is very impressive with its speed and security.
Here are a few examples of great web browsers: